New York Multi Medical Care

 in Parker, Texas

Ulcerative colitis is an unending illness. It causes inflammation or swelling in the large intestine because of which patient feel irritation. This is a form of illness that cannot be cured, but treatment may help. However, you can prevent ulcerative colitis from becoming critical to mild by drinking small amounts of water, eating smaller meals, avoiding fatty foods throughout the day.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea or loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody stools
  • Diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • joint pain or soreness

Ulcerative colitis can also impart risks of cancer in the large intestine if symptoms become too much severe like massive bleeding, chronic and debilitating symptoms and perforation of your colon.

The exact cause of Ulcerative colitis is unknown, however there are some factors that may play a role in causing it. A few of these factors are as follows:

  • the genes you are born with
  • an unknown trigger that could involve stress, viruses, diet, other bacteria, or something else in the environment
  • an anomalous response of the digestive system to microscopic organisms in the intestine

There is no cure right now, however a lot can be possible with medicines and surgery to hold indications under control.

Complications of Ulcerative Colitis:

  • changes in bones
  • malabsorption and dehydration
  • megacolon
  • rectal bleeding
  • inflammation in other areas of the body, such as liver, joints, skin etc.

Doctors can treat swelling by altering medicines or prescribing new medicines.

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis:
A medicinal service provider treats ulcerative colitis with

  • medications
  • surgery

Which treatment an individual needs relies on the seriousness of the illness and the signs. Every individual experiences ulcerative colitis in a different way, so physicians adjust treatments to enhance the individual’s symptoms and induce or bring about remission.

If you are suffering from this condition and looking for an effective treatment plan, please visit New York Multi Medical Care. Our experienced professionals will monitor you and create an effective treatment plan for you which you need to follow throughout your life.

Schedule a Consultation

Monday & Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 1:00pm

(718) 740-1701

Contact Us

(718) 740-1701

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